About JaySea


I am JC, and I have had a lifelong interest and passion for maritime history. Like many of my generation, I grew up reading and watching the various discoveries of Dr. Robert Ballard.  I am currently working both as an archaeological field technician and getting experience in the museum realm, before moving on to a graduate program. I have a B.S. in Archaeology from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I was also the former editor for Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage, the annual newsletter publication for the Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association. In the short time since I’ve graduated, I have been a part of many different kinds of archaeological investigations both on land, in water, in labs, aboard historic tall ships, and in archives throughout the US. After realizing that many of my Facebook posts (or rants) were simply condensed blog posts I decided to move them here. My goals with this blog are first to do what I love best, tell stories of maritime history & archaeology. Discuss preservation issues facing us today (Maybe changing my rants into coherent narratives) and discuss archaeology.

“A man who has once looked with the archaeological eye will never see quite normally. He will be wounded by what other men call trifles. It is possible to refine the sense of time until an old shoe in the bunch grass or a pile of nineteenth-century beer bottles in an abandoned mining town tolls in one’s head like a hall clock. This is the price one pays for learning to read time from surfaces other than an illuminated dial. It is the melancholy secret of the artifacts, the humanly touched thing.”                 -Loren Eiseley, The Night Country.